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2415 Martin Luther King Dr.
Orange, TX 77630

Digital X-Rays

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Of the many technological advances in dentistry over the last few decades, the advent and adoption of digital x-rays may be the most significant. Digital x-rays have changed the way we practice dentistry because they allow us to provide dental care more efficiently and with reduced exposure times.

Digital X-rays-Brewer Family Dental, Orange, TX

Speed of care

While it still takes the same amount of time to prepare a crown or fabricate a temporary crown, the use of digital x-rays, however, does reduce the overall time our patients have to spend in the chair. In the past we had to wait 3-5 minutes for an x-ray to be processed, while with digital x-rays, the image appears instantly for us to read and evaluate. And in a procedure where multiple films may be needed such as with a root canal or an extraction, the time can add up.


We understand that the thought of taking x-rays can provoke anxiety. Fortunately, digital x-rays reduce radiation risk significantly because the exposure time is much lower compared to traditional films. And even with digital x-ray technology, we still try to minimize the number of x-rays that we take, and we only take films when necessary. It’s also important to note that some people require more x-rays than other people because some people have a higher cavity rate, a dry mouth, or a history of significant dental treatment in the past with multiple crowns and other restorations.

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