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Brewer Family Dentistry Logo
2415 Martin Luther King Dr.
Orange, TX 77630


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Financial Policies

  • Payment is due at the time of services.
  • Insurance is an estimate and may differ from what your insurance carrier ultimately pays. Thus, the patient is responsible for any amount not paid but their insurance.
  • Any return checks will receive a fee of $35 and must be paid in cash or credit card within 10 days of returned check.
  • We accept most major credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express)
  • We accept Care Credit.

Cancellation Fee

When you schedule an appointment we are reserving time specifically for you and your dental care. Therefore, there is a charge for canceling without a 24 hour notice or failing to show for an appointment.

$30 for hygiene appointments

$50 for treatment appointments with Dr Brewer

If an appointment is not confirmed by 3:00 pm the day prior, we reserve the right to schedule over the appointment. If you need to reappoint a Monday appointment it must be done by 1:00 pm the Thursday before. Please be aware that you can confirm by text, email or calling the office

Schedule Your Visit

Please let us know if you have any questions about your insurance coverage and let us know how we can help to make your entire dental experience a pleasant one.
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